When you upload a file on a web hosting server, you will need some space on the hard disk depending on its size. When you have a script-driven internet site which saves its info in a database, it will take more space, the more people make use of it. For example, in case you have a message board, the greater amount of comments people write, the larger the database gets. Emails, especially ones which have attachments, also take some disk space in the site hosting account. The hard disk space quota you will get with each cloud website hosting supplier is the overall amount of data you can have at any moment, which contains web site files, email messages as well as databases. Likewise, a home computer has a hard disk and the software programs installed on it and any documents or music files that you make or download take some space, which can't exceed the overall capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

We've created our Linux cloud website hosting service with the notion that the hdd storage should never be a setback for your web sites. While many hosting suppliers produce accounts using one server, and as a matter of fact, the most popular Control Panels are made to run solely on this kind of platform, we've applied a different approach. We have clusters of servers that control each element of the web hosting service, so your files will be stored on one cluster, your emails on another,the databases on a third one, etc. With this cloud platform we accomplish a few things - the hdd space is actually inexhaustible due to the fact that we can easily connect as many servers and hard disks to our clusters as required, and we increase the performance of every single machine due to the fact that just a single kind of processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will allow you to develop your web sites as much as you'd like without having to worry about not having enough hdd space.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you will not need to worry about the hard disk space that you can use for the basic reason that this feature is unlimited. By contrast to lots of other website hosting suppliers who advertise a similar service, yet make accounts on a single machine where a limited number of hard disks can be connected, we employ a revolutionary cloud system which uses groups of servers. All your files will be stored on one cluster, the e-mails on a separate one, the databases on a third one and so on. This type of system has 2 serious advantages - first, the hard disk space will not ever finish since we can easily connect extra servers to any cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will operate much more smoothly since they will take care of just a single kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server package gives you the convenience to improve your web sites as much as you'd like.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

The hard disk space that we provide with our VPS servers ranges based on the plan that you pick when you register. By using a more powerful server, you are able to efficiently run various websites, that means additional content, thus the greater the VPS plan, the more hdd storage you will have available. Switching from one plan to another requires a couple of mouse-clicks and it won't involve any kind of service interruption. Your website files, databases and emails will share the the full amount of space the server contains, still if you prefer to get fixed quotas, you'll be able to select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Both instruments will allow you to make hosting accounts with restricted hard disk space and when required, even to allot space from one existing account to another one. With the third solution that you will find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimum HDD space available with our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have a pair of hard drives, 250 gigabytes each, and it will be up to you the best way you'll allocate this storage. You may have the disks in RAID, therefore your info will always be secured as one drive will be a real-time mirror of the other, or you're able to make them operate independently, so as to use the total storage potential that will be available to you. The hdd space of all of our dedicated servers is sufficient for everything - massive Internet shops, file depository portal, personal archive copy, and so much more. We will never hold back your sites in terms of the HDD storage they can use. In case that they start growing, we offer you the possibility to add further disks to your present server if needed. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can also create an individual account for each and every hosted domain name and set a specific hdd storage allowance for it. With Hepsia all of the domains will be hosted in a single and they will share the overall server storage space.